Procedures, Policies & Reminders

Procedures, Policies & Reminders
Approval must be received from the Executive Board before any alteration to the outside of a Unit. This includes rear awnings, storm/screen doors, door kickplates, flag poles and the like. It also includes changes to the landscape that are not part of a Unit's Personal Landscape Area. The procedure to be followed can be found in the Alteration Application.
Circular/Flyer Distribution
Please be aware that it is not legal to use mailboxes for distribution of circulars/flyers. Association-sponsored material (approval of Executive Board is required), if not delivered electronically, will either be stamped and mailed or hand distributed personally. Please note that newspaper slots are problematic since residents may be away, thus leaving items present and in view for extended periods.
In order to maximize communication among the Board, the Property Manager, Unit Owners and other residents, so as to insure that all requests are reviewed and addressed, this procedure should be followed. Respectful, appropriate, professional behavior is expected and required (see protocol) when communicating with Board and Committee members, Unit residents and employees of companies hired by the Association.
Damage Reporting
Refer to the Major Damage Reporting document should major damage occur to your Unit.
Elections may be effectively carried out using a set of guidelines that have been designed by the Procedures Committee and approved by the Executive Board.
Investment Policy
The Reserve and Operating Fund Policy addresses the methods, procedures and practices which must be exercised to provide for effective and judicious fiscal investment management of the Association's operating and reserve funds.


  • Landscaping at Spinnaker is a mix of Association and Unit Owner responsibilities. Landscaping Guidelines are available for determining those responsibilities.
  • Plantings by Unit Owners are restricted to a Unit's Personal Landscape Area (PLA), which is five (5) feet on the front and sides of each Unit, 50 feet in the rear. See the Rules Section 2.6 for guidance.
  • Plantings outside of a Unit's PLA or planting alterations inside a PLA require a plan approved by the Executive Board.
  • Healthy trees not in the buffer area that have become so large and dense that they are considered to be a potential hazard may be removed by the Association and replaced with approved trees. In the event that the Association decides to remove one of these trees, the Unit Owner involved may exercise an option to assume the responsibility of keeping the tree while assuring that it is safely maintained.

Rear Personal Landscape Areas Limitations


  • Rear Personal Landscape Areas (PLAs) may be limited due to a town-specified and regulated buffer area, which is defined by a line 50 feet in from the Spinnaker property line, or by an abutting neighbor's PLA. See Rear PLA document for specifics about a particular Unit's PLA.


Outdoor Artwork


  • The placement of artwork in a Unit's Personal Landscape Area (PLA) is governed by the Rules , Section 2.7.
Unit Owner Guidelines
  • Click here to read a list of recommendations concerning Unit Owner maintenance items applicable to each Unit.
Maintenance Responsibilities Matrix
  • Unit Owners should refer to the Matrix of Maintenance Responsibilities to determine whose responsibility it is to maintain the various components of their Units and the Common Elements of the Association. In addition to the Matrix, responsibility for the maintenance of windows and doors has been specifically addressed by a legal opinion provided at the request of the Executive Board.
Procedures Manual - Infrastructure and Buildings
Hiring Contractors for Maintenance Work
  • When workers are hired to work on the outside of Units (e.g., cleaning) or in Personal Landscape Areas (e.g., gardening), it is important that they have appropriate insurance, both liability and workers compensation. It is the Unit Owner's responsibility to assure Spinnaker Association, Inc. that these conditions are met.
  • Since individuals/sole proprietors, partnerships and LLC businesses often have no employees and therefore no workers compensation insurance, it is recommended that Unit Owners obtain a hold harmless document from such hired workers, both for the Association and for the Unit Owner.
  • Before any such work is begun, the Unit Owner must receive written approval from the Executive Board.
  • The procedure to be followed for hiring a contractor to maintain the exterior of a Unit and/or other Common Element can be found in the Maintenance Application.
Parking on Roads
  • Please remember that parking is not permitted on roads, except around the Village Green where the road is one way. Please be sure that guests park in the visited Unit's driveway or in the road bump out areas set aside for parking. See the Rules, Section 6.6.
  • Many Spinnaker residents have pets, so please don't forget it is up to the pet owners to clean up after them. It is unfair and inconsiderate to fellow residents to have to pick up after other's pets. This rule applies not only to common areas such as "central park" but also to areas around resident's own units. It is unfair to the grounds maintenance staff to have to deal with deposits of animal feces. See the Rules, Section 3.3.
Satellite Dish
  • Satellite dish installations must comply with Section 2.5 of the Rules. In particular, make sure that "The antenna and cables are installed in such a way as to minimize any negative impact on the outside appearance of the Unit." The dish companies can and will do an attractive installation, but the Unit Owner must insist that they take their time and install the wires in a manner which is as unnoticeable as possible.
Snow Plan
  • Please refer to the Snow Plan for information and guidance about the responsibilities of the snow contractor, Unit Owner and other residents, and the property manager.
Speed Limit
  • Please be careful of speed when driving through the Spinnaker community. Speed limit signs are posted.
  • When you put out the trash, be sure that the bin is at least four (4) feet from mail boxes, other bins and other items so that it can be picked up mechanically. Be sure also that the trash is constrained in some way. Loose material can be a problem as it can be blown free when the bins are mechanically dumped and become unsightly litter.
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